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Mission Statement:


     My Father's House was founded in 2011 and is a ministry of Sisters in Recovery Inc. It is a 12-month residential Christian soberliving home for women located in Hiram, GA. This ministry was founded to meet the needs in this community for women who truly want change. Our goal is to equip women with the skills and support necessary to maintain lifelong sobriety and become self-supportive, productive members of society through employment, working a 12-step Christ-centered program while living in a Christian environment.



About the program:


OUR PROGRAM OFFERS: a structured, sober, supervised, safe, loving environment with low cost housing in a tobacco free facility. 


CELEBRATE RECOVERY: We will learn to work the 12-steps through this Christ centered recovery program in order to reach our goal of a new life free of past hurts, habits, and hang-ups. 


CHURCH: Attendance will be mandatory. Each woman will come to learn that being part of a church is not just attending church on Sundays, but being an active part of the Body of Christ serving others and giving back what Christ has given them. Our hope is that each woman will become a member of a new family, the family of God. 


BIBLE STUDY: Participation in various church and home Bible studies. 


EMPLOYMENT: We will assist the women in finding a job even though some will serve as a startup job. We will help them with long term career planning, interviewing skills, resumes, job skill development. 


TRANSPORTATION: We provide transportation to and from work, classes, and any necessary appointments.


EDUCATION: We encourage furthering their education by providing transportation to G.E.D. classes and sponsorship for the cost and when needed arranging for volunteer tutoring. 


DRIVERS LICENSE: Work toward each woman leaving with a valid drivers license or work permit. 


ANGER MANAGEMENT: This group will assist the women in identifying when anger is excessive and destructive. 


INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING: To help each woman to work towards meeting their individual needs, goal setting, and career planning. 


MONEY MANAGEMENT: Learning to budget, save, and be a good steward with what God has provided. 


CRAFTS: Creative ways to use free time. 


RECREATION: Outings, learning to have fun sober. 


LIFE LONG SOBRIETY: While the women themselves must do the hard work and make the right choices that lead to recovery, S.I.R. will endeavor to provide them with the tools to make that possible. Our goal for the women who complete a year with us is for each of them to have developed the skills through Celebrate Recovery for life long sobriety, coming to know Jesus as not only a Savior but the LORD of their life. At the end of the year she will have developed friendships with people who will last a lifetime. She will be a part of a church family and be an active member of the BODY OF CHRIST and be ready to help others receive what she’s been given. Most of all she will come out having found her worth in the eyes of her Heavenly Father. 






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